
We'll soon have a brand new support programme for you to join. Find out about our past opportunities below.

Think Green Together

Think Green Together was our open access programme of resources, case studies, training and events, including the Act resources on the Going Green Together website for anyone to use. Make sure to sign up to the newsletter via the VONNE website to join the Going Green Together community and be notified of any new resources and events.

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Become Green Together

Become Green Together was a programme of environmental training courses, with access to specialist tools and frameworks to embed environmental sustainability across organisations.  Applications are currently closed.

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Act Green Together

We partnered with thirteen organisations across the North East and Cumbria to allocate seed-corn funding and help them develop new environmental projects with their communities. Through this, helped to kickstart new ventures in environmental action, and learned more about how to create effective green change within our sector.

With thanks to the funders