Just Transition

Transitioning to a greener world gives us an opportunity to address social and economic challenges, benefiting people and communities alongside the planet.

Steps you can take

Engage with Just Transition campaigns and initiatives

There are many organisations and initiatives seeking to ensure that a just transition is addressed alongside the climate emergency and encouraging nature and biodiversity.  Find out more and get involved:

Listen to communities

It’s important that you involve people in talking about how the climate emergency will affect them, and how climate action can take their needs into account. Holding events where you can talk to your local community and work together to find solutions for their problems is a good step towards inclusion.

Community projects

When developing climate action projects, think about how it can both help your community and tackle the climate crisis. You can also think about how you can pool resources with other organisations and communities around you to help create big projects which benefit everyone such as working together to set up community gardens or Eco Shops to give people access to food and reducing waste, or creating community energy projects for local people and businesses.

Inclusive green jobs

If you are creating green jobs through hiring staff to work on eco-projects, think about how you can open up your hiring practises to bring people into the green industry who are under-represented or marginalised.  If you run employability or skills projects, include opportunity in green industries or green skills/ training opportunities in your programmes.

Learn more and become an ally

Being an ally in matters of climate justice means both openly showing your solidarity with the movement, and supporting the movement through action. You should think about which voices you amplify and where you get your information from, and what knowledge you might be missing which you can learn more about. Taking a look at your social media and seeing where you could do more to share messages of climate justice, particularly from diverse voices, is a great place to start.


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Actions from the North East and Cumbria

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Have you taken action?

If you're a VCSE based in the North East and you've done something about the climate crisis, please share your action with us. We'd love to share it on this website, to inspire others.

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