
Supporting nature and ecosystems keeps carbon out of the atmosphere, increases resiliance to climate change, and has a wide range of benefits for our health, wellbeing, and food supply.

Steps you can take

Let it grow

If your organisation has an area of grass or garden – let it grow. That’s right, even the weeds! While some people may say that this looks messy, it’s a great way to support nature and biodiversity in your area. Try to only mow every month or even less to give wildlife a chance to bloom. You could even just choose one area of grass instead of the whole thing.

Top tip: If you don’t own your building, this is a great thing to bring up at an eco council meeting! 

Hold events at nature reserves

Having staff away days and small events at nature reserve centres is a great way to support local nature and biodiversity. You get to support the work of the nature reserve and learn more about the wildlife and nature that they protect. Make sure to shout about your event on social media to encourage more people to support the nature reserve’s work, and if you’re interested why not become a member yourself?

Build shelter for animals

People in the UK are well-known animal lovers. Share the love by taking climate action in the form of building shelters for animals around your building. You can build birdboxes, hedgehog homes, and even mansions for bugs. 

It’s really important that as we build more urban areas, animals have places to live so that species can continue to grow and avoid extinction. Loss of species can have a big impact on eco-systems and our environment, so give them a helping hand!

Beach Cleans and Coastal Wellbeing

Who doesn’t love a day out to the beach? If you’re lucky enough to have your office near the sea, why not organise a lunch and beach clean as a day-out or team-building exercise?  Discarded plastic and other waste can harm animals living in the oceans. Our oceans are an important part of the environment, contributing to biodiversity and even the oxygen that we breathe. It’s important that we make sure they are protected and it’s even better if you can build this into your work – it’s great for staff mental health and wellbeing! 

Biodiversity Surveys

To find out how healthy our environment is and what kind of plants and animals are living in it, scientists take surveys, counting the type and number of species that they find. There are several big surveys which the public can help out with – a fantastic way to help study our natural world, keep track of the problems facing it, and learn more about the nature on your doorstep!

Rewild your business park

Rewilding is the process of bringing wild species back to an area where they once lived. If you organisation has outdoor spaces, you can create environments which encourage species to return. One of the ways you can do this is to build Pollinator Parks to bring back wildlife. Pollinating species like bees and butterflies are really important in supporting the ecosystem by helping flowering plants reproduce – they’re also really important to sustain food crops! 


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Actions from the North East and Cumbria

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