Supporting the North East’s VCSE sector towards Net Zero

Action areas

Actions from the North

It’s time to get on with it. Climate Action North’s One Small Change series of roadshows inspire and mobilise communities, businesses and individuals to take action in the climate emergency. The time for talking is over, today we need to act! Join us
Sharon Lashley
Climate Action North
1-9 employees
We've been promoting and proactively delivering more green jobs and carbon literacy training.
Lisa Stephenson
50+ employees
We changed to a 100% green energy tariff and our energy provider matched the tariff so it didn't cost us anything!
Carol Botten
10-49 employees
We're collaborating with partners to help Newcastle become a healthier and more sustainable food city by encouraging organisations and individuals to serve and eat more vegetables and better meat and reduce the amount of food they're wasting.
Emma Mould
Food Newcastle
1-9 employees

Have you taken action?

If you're a VCSE based in the North East and you've done something about the climate crisis, please share your action with us. We'd love to share it on this website, to inspire others.

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