
Food contributes 24% of global carbon emissions so managing where you get your food from and what you eat has a clear environmental impact.

Steps you can take

Introduce meat free initiatives

Implement a 'Meat-Free Monday' or go vegetarian or vegan for staff social and company events.

Of all food types, meat (especially red meat) causes the highest levels of carbon emissions.

Do what you can to reduce your meat consumption.

Learn more about food carbon footprints

Educate yourself on carbon footprints of food - you'll likely be surprised with what you find out.

Then reduce your intake of high-carbon foods such as red meat, dairy, poultry, farmed salmon, tinned tuna, eggs, potatoes, rice.

Cook your own or source food locally

Cook/ bake your own food for social/team events rather than purchasing - reducing energy use, transporting goods and packaging. It's also a fun way to engage the team.

Source food for events from local and if possible social enterprise suppliers to reduce delivery miles or ask them about low-carbon delivery e.g. cargo bike couriers. We've found two on Tyneside but there might be others across the region.

Reduce food waste at events

Combat food waste by under-catering for events (generally you get 10-15% no shows) or charging a non-attendance fee.

Provide cardboard takeaway boxes and encourage guest to take home any left over food or use food-waste busting app OLIO to distribute any left over food.

Check for unsustainable ingredients

Check food purchases for unsustainable ingredients such as palm oil and opt for other options such as certified palm oil.

Palm oil is a key reason why rainforests are being cut down, by voting with your money you can make sure that the palm oil you consume is ethical and saving the planet.

Use sharing apps to reduce food waste

Use food waste fighting apps such as Too Good to Go and OLIO to pick up or distribute food that would otherwise go to waste.


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Actions from the North East and Cumbria

In July we got together for a staff picnic and decided to make it as green as possible by making the food, and being plastic and meat free. We're going to do this again a future staff events.
Carol Botten
10-49 employees

Have you taken action?

If you're a VCSE based in the North East and you've done something about the climate crisis, please share your action with us. We'd love to share it on this website, to inspire others.

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